I should take this opportunity to note the awesomeness of last night’s premiere of Steven Seagal: Lawman. Gabe Delahaye ably sums up the basic mechanic that they’ve established for the season:
But it’s oh-so-much more than just a crappy, bloated, arthritic has-been hassling poor black men in run-down parts of Louisiana. There’s also the poorly-affected cajun accent! And the constant prefacing of every utterance with “as a lifelong practitioner of the martial arts…”! And the relentless pomposity that Seagal directs at his fellow officers, like a tourist advising a gypsy how to better beg for coins. He gives driving directions; he helps a supposedly hapless overweight colleague train for firearm certification; he expounds wisely and constantly on how his wisdom offsets the constant danger that they’re all in (nice kevlar vest, incidentally! Though I couldn’t help but notice that the officers who aren’t unstoppable human weapons don’t seem to feel they need them…).
It’s a great, great show, is what I’m trying to say. Talk to your Tivo about it.
UPDATE: Also, this.